Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I Think I'll Pass

Did you know there is a silly notion called the National Blog Posting Month? The gimmick is that a blogger must commit to writing at least one post everyday for a month. The group or person hosting this weird idea is even willing to provide ideas for participants to write about and there are prizes to boot.

I'm sorry, but this sounds like a moronic idea to me. We live in a society with information overload. The last thing we need is to encourage people to write about something -- dammit anything! -- just to complete a silly assignment.

Besides, it just seems to defeat the whole idea behind blogging. Each of us develops different themes and purposes for our blogs. Some people -- like yours truly -- tend to write a lot. Other people write occasionally and some write infrequently. Why change your style because someone else suggests you do it?

As I'm sure you've guessed, I think I'll pass on this idea. I can't envision myself participating because it would fly in the face of a solid Taoist principle -- following one's own path and not one from an external source.

The ONLY reasons I can see why someone might want to jump on this bandwagon are 1) You have nothing else of much interest going on in your life, 2) You typically post a daily entry anyway and you crave attention or 3) You're desperate to drive more traffic to your blog. Short of these three reasons, I can't fathom why anyone would be the least bit interested.

But what do I know? Over 12,000 bloggers have already signed up. I am not and will not be one of them. : )

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